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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hahahaha Love..

Heyy guys Sup! Does anyone know any good video's or youtubers?  Anywayys not too much is happening right now just you know dating brandon! We are like THE BEST CUTEST COUPLE EVER! Anyways..LOLZ LOVE !  So yeah you probably don't want to hear everything...about me and my boyfriend...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Allie is with brandon benett right now feel free to stalk him and or rape him :D

Heyy guys Its me..well DUH! I just thought I would let you know that I am taken again..by brandon my new boyfriend.....LOLZ Brandon has a message for you :Your a piece of dirt...What does he say about me?  He says Nothing...and I AM BEAUTIFUL INSIDE BUT NOT OUT...

Allie <3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jack spazzed 2.0

heyy peopleI just thought I would let you know jack flipped eets later..btw AGAIN!


Saturday, January 29, 2011


Heyy kids! Sup? Ohh you know...I GOT A DATE TO SEMI! OH YAHH. So jack..how d oyu feel about them poptarts? They probably taste like SOUR CHERRYS! ohhhhhhhh burnnnnn....Yeah im lame..

But that was my news update his name is brandon btw...Ew npt Thrasher!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


hey people ? How do you feel about emo people? I personally think they rock..just chilling with daphne rachel.. :P Any ways emo people,DONT DIE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!



JACK HAD THE BIGGEST SPAZZ HA HA! Yeah so anyways, he totally spazzed at me, like off the wall
the only thing he proved to me was that he has no other insults than you mother fucking bitch!! Yeahh so if he wanted some insight from me on HIS intelligence level umm close to none his weight At LEAST my boobs are supposed to be here, maybe he likes me again or something, all I know that if he does THATS TOO DAMN BAD FOR HIM!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Random things to do when your bored

Okay so here goes my list :
1. Eat alot of food and time how quickly you did it
2. Write a long letter  to your teacher or boss explaining why you cannot work for a ridiculous reason
3. Search How to Steal Food From Mcdonalds and actually do It
4. Write a blog :D
5. Try and tweet every second, if you manage that tweet the SAME celebrity every second about crazy things like cheese
6. Send an email warning people about you sending them emails
7. Lick your hand and then ask your mom if she felt you licking your own hand :D
8. Tell your pet that you cannot love them any longer and you would like to file a divorce
9. Go to the Caf at your school and ask for frog legs :D And then cry if they say they dont have any
10. Ask your best friend for her number than hand it back to her looking very upset saying I can't call you Im Married

Blahh maybe we are all crumbling but I just never noticed until now

Soo tired right now, im tired of school of life of EVERYTHING!!  Okay so I totally tricked myself into believing that I was over JL but obviously im not,at all I accidentally hugged him (it was a reflex to him saying something sad)  And I felt sorta happy until I realized how awkwardly he was patting me on the back and how un --comfortable he was with that hug then I wanted to kill myself..No that's too dramatic I wanted to hurl myself off a bridge and break my legs...Any ways MY LIFE SUCKS SOMETIMES! Also he is in a play with me so I have to see him all the time after school llike for rehersal and stuff
I guess I have to  concentrait on cchris.. chris is the Other Guy I Like so yeah

 Chris <3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I never said new post but whatever

I thought Id let you know you can find me on twittter just comment

im at 6 in the morning and the vids are pouring and im never going to stop

Heyy peps just pulled an all nighter cause I couldnt sleep sent shane dawson a link to my blog while watching his vids. I AM SO HYPER like iwanna run soooo bad...Over tiredd I guesse.

See I cant even spell

so peace,

and shane if your on here heyy


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Okay so Maybe OCD

OCD about blogging I feel like I shoukd be updating you guys (whoever you are) on whatever Im doing right now or whatever I'm thing or something...Is there like a blogging code or something? Hmm I've been listing to that song Grenade by Bruno Mars...Reminds me of someone I know lets just call him...I dunno JL for short just in case...I asked him to break up with me cause I was afraid to do it myself cause he was so sensitive but he has twisted the entire story to make me look like some sorry for myself bitch. No. Its been like a month since that break up. But I Still CARE about him cause we went through some personal things together so I dont want to end that relationship completly but I do wanna be good friends but he just cant seem to respond to that...Sigh.  Twitter Blows my mind with its...I dont know ....Hyper Activity users who tweet every 5 seconds...

First Entry..hmmm

Okay People I am going to admit this is my first time bloging EVER!!! So for all you random people reading right now...YOU ARE THE FIRST! Does that not make you feel special? Cause it should. Umm You probably want some backround info, am I right? Im in middleschool and my nickname in summer camp was Allie so thats just what I'll call myself on this blog! So what am I up to rigt now? trying to go back to bed for starters..FAILURE yeah...I probably should get off the computer and try again so..

Bye <3